The easiest way of becoming a member is to register right here on our website!

Join or Renew

But if you're having any issues, please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.


Ordinary Member

An ordinary member is anyone over the age of 18 years. Ordinary members must sign an application form, which must also bear the signatures of two current voting members of the club (a proposer and a seconder). Once you have registered online, you will be emailed the application form. Once the completed application form has been returned, it will be submitted to the Committee for a decision, which you can expect within 2-4 weeks.

Ordinary members are entitled to full membership benefits, which can be found here: Member Benefits. The cost is $40 a year, with renewals due every year from the last date paid.


Country Members

Country members must reside more than 50km from the Dowerin Post Office and shall not be entitled to attend or vote at general meetings of the Club, nor shall they be eligible for election as officer bearers or members of the Committee. They will receive all other membership benefits, which can be found here: Member Benefits. The cost is $20, with renewals due every year from the last date paid.

Country members are not required to sign an application form and do not require a proposer or seconder. Your membership will be approved by the Club Manager and you can expect a response within a week. 

A non-member can be served at the club under the following conditions: 

a) if the person is, on any day, visiting the DCC as a member or an official of another club (i.e. to play sport). This person will be accorded temporary membership on that day.

b) The person is granted honorary membership by the committee

c) The person is a guest of a current DCC member, and in the company of the member, for consumption on the licensed premises. A member cannot be accompanied by more than five guests at any one time, unless they are holding a private function at the club AND the sale of liquor is at the expense of the member, in which case the number of guests is unlimited.

d) The person is a visitor to the club who lives atleast 40km away from the DCC and is visiting the club while traveling in the course of a holiday, leisure or business. Visitors are required to sign the visitor book and make a gold coin donation to the club.

Full terms and conditions can be found here: Terms and Conditions

Yes! The DCC sells takeaways, but you MUST be a current Ordinary, Country or Life Member to purchase takeaways. No takeaways will be sold to guests, visitors, temporary members, or non-current members.

It costs $40/year for ordinary membership and $20/year for country membership.

The benefits of membership can be found here:

Member Benefits

That depends on your individual requirements! For a quote, please click here: Function Hire Quote