Terms and Conditions


1.      Membership

Membership of The Club shall consist of the following:


(a)    Ordinary Member – Persons over 18 years of age.

(b)   Life Member – the Members may elect Persons who have rendered meritorious service to The Club as Life Members for such service.

(c)    Temporary Member – a person who is on any day visiting the club as a member or an official of another club-:

·         That is to engage in a pre-arranged event with the host club conducted for the purposes of one of the host clubs principal objects; or

·         That is to hold a pre-arranged function at the host club involving the use of the host club’s sporting facilities.

 may be taken to be a person who is accorded temporary membership on that day.

(d)   Honorary Member – Membership that may be granted to Club Patrons, Sponsors, Selected Government Officers and any other such persons as the committee may decide from time to time.

(e)    Country Member – Country members shall reside more than 50 kilometres from the Dowerin Post Office, shall pay a nominal fee and shall not be entitled to attend or vote at general meetings of the Club, nor shall they be eligible for election as office bearers or members of the Committee.


(Only Ordinary Members and Life Members shall be allowed to vote)


2.      Application to Become a Member


(a)    Ordinary Member – Any person desiring to become a member of The Club shall sign an application form provided and such form must bear the signatures of two Members of The Club who are entitled to vote, as a proposer and seconder. All applications shall be posted on the noticeboard of the club for a period of not less than seven days before election, provided also that an interval of not less than two weeks shall elapse between nomination and election. The applicant will then be accepted or denied membership.

(b)    No person shall be entitled to exercise any of the privileges of a member until they have paid all subscriptions due by them.

(c)    The Committee shall have the right to refuse to admit any person to membership without assigning any reason for doing so.

(d)   On the election of each candidate, the Club shall notify the same to them, and they shall on payment of their subscription be enrolled as a Member of The Club. They will then become entitled to the privileges and be bound by its rules and by all consequences resulting from breach or non-performance thereof, and shall there by absolve every person concerned in carrying out enforcing such rules from all personal responsibility or legal liability on such account.

(e)    Life Member – A member may propose another member for Life Membership to the Committee in writing giving reasons that Life Membership should be granted. An Annual or Special General Meeting may, upon a 75% majority vote, confer Life Membership on a member who has rendered special and outstanding services to The Club. The holder of a Life Membership shall be entitled to all privileges of an ordinary member, be exempt from subscriptions but shall pay any levies and capitation fees.


3.      Member’s Rights


(a)    The rights and privileges of every member shall be personal and shall not be in any manner transferable by their own act or through any other person on their behalf or by operation of law, and on any member ceasing by death (or otherwise) to be a member all their interest shall go to the estate.

(b)   The Club may revoke the membership of any honorary member at any time without notice.

(c)    Honorary, Temporary Members and Country Members shall not be entitled to vote at any meeting of the members of The Club, not have any right, title or interest in or to any of the property of The Club, nor propose or second any candidate for admission as a member.

(d)   Guests – Ordinary and Life Members are entitled to:

                                                               i.      Guests – any member of the club shall be at liberty to invite guests to the club, but the number of guests shall not exceed the maximum number five (5).

(e)    Members may introduce guests to the club at any time provided that:

·       A guest shall not be supplied with liquor in the club premises except on invitation and in the company of that member.

·       A guest shall be supplied with liquor to be consumed on the club premises only.

·       The member introducing the guest shall be responsible for the proper conduct of that guest whilst on the club premises.

·       Any person who has been refused membership of the club or who is under the suspension or expulsion from the club shall not be admitted as a guest of any member of the club.

·       A member may, at their expense, and with the approval of the club committee, supply liquor to guests, without limitation at to number, at a function held by or on behalf of that member, at the club premises.

(f)     Functions – Ordinary and Life Members are entitled to host functions on The Club premises after written application for said function has been considered and approved by the Club. Said function cannot exclude any member their rightful access to club premises. The Club will furnish the applicant with a written copy of Club by Laws relation to functions, after the application has been approved and any additional conditions and restrictions it shall see fit.


4.      Subscriptions


(a)    The entrance fee and annual subscription of The Club shall be set by majority vote of the Management Committee prior to commencement of the financial year. Notice of the fees and subscriptions shall be notified to the members by the Administrator.

(b)   All Subscriptions are due from the first day of July in each year and are payable in advance on or before the date of the Annual General Meeting after which you will forfeit your membership rights.

(c) Any membership fees will not be refunded, unless the membership application is rejected.

5.      New Members


(a)    Subscriptions must be paid within two weeks of election.

(b)   The Committee shall have the power by resolution to remove from the roll of members the name of any new member who fails to pay his/her subscription within two weeks from the date of notification of election of membership.

(c)    Any member whose subscription is in arrears after the Annual General Meeting in each year shall cease to be a member, unless the Committee upon receiving an explanation in writing from that member shall otherwise decide.


6.      General Provision


(a)    No member shall be entitled to take any legal action against The Club (other than a claim for goods sold and delivered and services rendered) and must conform to the decisions of the Committee and in the case of an appeal, to the decision of the General meeting to which he/she may appeal.

(b)   These rules shall be the rules of The Club and shall be binding on members

(c)    Correct accounts and books shall be kept showing the financial affairs of The Club and the particulars usually shown in books of accounts of a like nature.

(d)   The clubhouse and other club facilities is to be provided and maintained from the joint funds of The Club and no person shall be entitled under these rules to derive any benefit of advantage from The Club which is not shared equally by every member thereof.

(e)    No stranger shall be permitted to use the club premises and no member or other person shall admit any stranger to use the club premises.

(f) Any member found causing wilful damage to the Club property, or found to have removed or misused Club property, may be charged to the full extent of the law.

(g) Damage to Club property, shall be paid for by any person(s) who wilfully or negligently causes such damage. Members are responsible for damages incurred by dependent children and guests.

(h) Members are to maintain and keep good order and decent behaviour.

(i) There will be NO SMOKING inside the building and change rooms or within 5 metres of any entrance at any time.

(j) Membership conditions and guidelines may change without notice.

(k) Management reserves the right to request the use of the facility, should it be required for special purpose or one off events.

(l) Areas used must be left in a clean and tidy condition.